

Latest Episodes

A31-108 – Interview with Adam Kokesh
November 26, 2016

Corey and Todd play back their Friday pre-recorded interview with Adam Kokesh, author of FREEDOM! available at  Kokesh is coming off a 60 city tour promoting his book and message of non-coercive freedom through peace and coopera...

A31-107 – #SJW, Anarchists & Faretta Waiver
November 20, 2016

Feedback and questions from A31 listeners is played backed, answered and reviewed in light of a forthcoming Agenda31 Introduction Video. Corey and Todd debate attributes of Social Justice Warriors and how the worship of government or central planning i...

A31-106 – No Use in Crying
November 12, 2016

The Globalism versus Americanism agenda of Trump is evaluated. Agenda21 history is recalled. Courts of record in California is reviewed. Bicycle licensing on the horizon? And Carey Wedler’s video essay to liberals is played and extolled.

A31-105 – Fractional Vote Magic
November 06, 2016

Todd’s wife Kathleen guest-co-hosts this week. The topic is focused on election integrity, especially in Scott County Iowa and the GEMS software many states and counties use to count votes in an election. Proof of concept for Corey’s next step,

A31-104 – 2nd Class Bastards
October 30, 2016

Justice Breyer’s comment that if the state does not need a warrant, “the state has considerable freedom, it couldn’t boil people in oil, but it might be able to do this” is highlighted from the Birchfield v North Dakota case…Read more ›

A31-103 – Waiving What Rights?
October 23, 2016

Averting gas lighting from government and media while averring Article IV state citizenship continues to be the strategy to make a difference.   The government cartel continues to manufacture consent and manufacture evidence in the California courts.

A31-102 – Gaslighting in Downey
October 16, 2016

From Judicial Watch’s investigation of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s lack of e-mails about Benghazi, to Abraham Lincoln’s executive order to require subscribed oaths as a specialty contract to hold office or employment in the government,

A31-101 – Check the Minute Orders
October 08, 2016

  Show notes forthcoming….  

A31-099 – Feckless & Trolling
September 25, 2016

Propaganda by state sponsored radio is reviewed for its subtle reinforcement of the importance of factions and groups within federal citizenship, despite no one inside that jurisdiction having their rights secured.