Afternoon Tea with Mama Jean

Afternoon Tea with Mama Jean

Latest Episodes

TaJuana Wade – Is Heaven Listening?
January 26, 2016

TaJuana Wade – Is Heaven Listening? TaJuana is author of the children's book, “Is Heaven Listening to Me?” - Holistic Therapeutic Prayers for Children. One of the things that children or teens often say to Counselor TaJuana Wade is “No one listens...

Getting Healthy with Doreen in 2016!
January 18, 2016

Getting Healthy with Doreen in 2016! Doreen Arduini has a passion to help others gain energy, lose weight, and feel great through healthy eating and exercise. She is a certified Personal Trainer, a soccer coach, and former Physical Education, Health...

January 04, 2016

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! Angel visitations? Healing of incurable diseases? Astonished doctors? Can these things happen in today's world? Absolutely! Do you need a miracle? Do you need healing of your body? Healing of emotions? Healing of...

Paris! San Bernardino! Charleston! Where is the peace
December 21, 2015

PEACE ON EARTH Paris! San Bernardino! Charleston! Where is the peace? With wars, fighting and hatred, can we really have peace? Are you lacking peace in your life? Have rejection, abuse, illness, divorce, and other blows in life destroyed your...

Theresa Neely, Gospel Artist, Songwriter & vocalist
December 21, 2015

Theresa Neely, Gospel Artist, Songwriter, and vocalist began writing notes to her Auntie when she was barely old enough to hold a pencil, trying to tell her Aunt that she and her siblings were being abused. As she grew, she began to write poems....

December 14, 2015

Carrie Cellini NO STRESS CHRISTMAS Christmas! Bah! Humbug! Do you find yourself on the Christmas treadmill, getting stressed out over buying gifts for children and grandchildren, family, friends, and the list goes on? Has the holiday turned into...

What About Gifts Given to YOU?
December 07, 2015

What About Gifts Given to YOU? Yes, it is that time of year when we are busy buying or making gifts for those we love and those we give out of obligation. What about the gifts for you? Have you received your gift? Have you opened it? Or has your gift...

November 30, 2015

BEING THANKFUL WITH LYNN JONES Is Thanksgiving stressing you? What if this year there doesn't seem to be much to celebrate? Maybe you can't even afford a turkey; or maybe the holidays seem sad because of your illness or illness of a loved one, or...

November 24, 2015

Jane Blakewell, author – Sink or Swim HOW MUCH CAN A PERSON TAKE? Here is one woman's answer to that question. It is a true story of her confronting one medical challenge after another, year after year, and swimming through it all. Some people would...

Broken? You Can Be Restored to Joy!
November 16, 2015

Broken? You Can Be Restored to Joy! Who is broken? What is brokenness? We are all broken in some way. Is there hope? Is There healing? Who can heal our brokenness? Can we truly experience joy? With both compassion and passion Mama Jean shares about...