After Dark

After Dark

The Most Untrusted Name in News is CNN

December 09, 2021

CNN once took pride in billing itself as the most trusted name in news. Unfortunately, because of many missteps, the cable news network, founded by Ted Turner and Reese, in the ’80s is no longer the news giant it used to be. The venerable news station has fallen on hard times⏤in part a victim of its tabloid and opinionated news reporting. The hosts of “After Dark” have been following the decline of the news station and note that its decline possibly began during the Obama Administration and went into high when Donald Trump entered the White House. Joining them for the discussion is Shawn G. 
Shawn G is a political commentator and social media personality. His support for former President Donald Trump goes back to 2016. Shawn G has accumulated a large social media following for his political and sports commentary. Many of his tweets have appeared in several news publications.