Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Can an Empath be a Narcissist?

December 01, 2018

As we isolate ourselves, to focus on and heal our own pain. Do we risk becoming like those who cause it?

Both the Narcissist and the Empath (if compassionate enough) eventually relinquish care for the world/humanity. But they do so at different stages and based in different reasons.
The narcissist is essentially weak and let's go of their care (of and for the world) based on fear (of hurt) and willful ignorance. Avoidance of pain/the Soul/the true self and God which leads to selfishness and greed. A focus on the preservation of the flesh and the ego, the false self (which passes away). While the Empath is strong enough to stay the course. Enduring the full gamut of pain and the subsequent wisdom it offers before he or she lets go of the care of the world through submission to God's/the Souls will. To find faith in a higher power/calling based in love. With a focus on the preservation of the true self or Soul. He or she understands that man via the flesh is playing out a dream that they have awaken from. A dream that they no longer concern themselves with, outside of raising consciousness from within. As they know only thing real (eternal) is the soul and we are all one connected by the soul and that dreams come to an end.
Initially, we as Empaths are attracted to narcissists because not caring (being carefree) is the polarity or state of being we seek to achieve on a subconscious level.
We see/can sense the power and effectiveness (on a human level) that comes from and with not caring or being anxious. The issue is... with Narcissists, they stopped caring prematurely… and for the wrong reasons. Due to their inherent weakness and lack of humility. They forgo the process of Knowledge, Action, Pain, Introspection and subsequent Wisdom. Needed to reach enlightenment and find true peace/faith, surrender, and stillness. That isn't subject to or base on status, what "they have" or who/what they "control" in the illusion.
As Empaths we are often bogged down with the tension and anxiety that comes with care and concern and yet it may seem as if they have already found this "peace" through not caring... but as Martin Luther King jr. once wrote: “True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice.”
Those who have found Faith know that, that Justice and true peace, as a result. Comes through a man who has shown the greatest Empathy.