Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Afro Empath Ascension: Black Beyond Matter

Codependent Empath Saviors and Victim Energy Vampires turned Narcissists

June 21, 2018

As Empaths, we want to love, care and share with others. But if you need others outside ourselves to love in order to feel good. At what point does that love become dependency or fear of being alone and introspective in order to deal with our own pain?

The key is to love, care and save yourself. If we are all one than like Christ through you elevating beyond the pain of your human plight we are all elevated as a collective. When those former energy vampires are humbled enough through the trials of life. They will humbly seek the proper guidance on their own. Until then know thy self and remember that kindness in regards to them means is not allowing yourself to be their vampiric enabler. While they learn humility and to seek God in their own lives and on their own time and energy.