AfrikBoutik Blog - African Art, Travel & Home Decorating

AfrikBoutik Blog - African Art, Travel & Home Decorating

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The charisma of the African sculptures
November 04, 2012

The south of Sahara, the Africans cannot be distinguished from art. They have incorporated it every wake of their life starting from their dialogue, commuting with the spirits, the gods to the form of physical therapy. Naming the African art form as rich

Djembe and the Importance it Holds to Ghanaian and African Culture
September 13, 2012

The Djembe is a drum that has a rich history and importance towards Ghanaian and African culture. But first of all, let us look at the Djembe through its physical attributes. The Djembe is a drum that is played with the bare hands. It is rope-tuned and sk

Adinkra Symbols and Their Hidden Meaning
August 27, 2012

Adinkra symbols can be traced back to their origins of the Asante people of Ghana, West Africa. Created by the Akan of Ghana and the Gyaman of Cote d’Ivorie (Ivory Coast), they developed these symbols based on history, philosophy and certain religio

The stories that the kente scarf and the meaning of the patterns have to tell
August 23, 2012

Kente cloth scarf was considered sacred in the past and only worn during royal occasions, but now it has spread worldwide and worn by everyone. Since the authentic African scarf is still expensive, only the rich people in Africa mostly wear it. The authen – Ducks on Sale
June 24, 2012

Ducks for sale at, offering a wide variety of day old ducklings, safely shipped via USPS to anywhere in the United States! Our day old ducklings are cute and friendly, the perfect pet for your backyard! We have mallards, pekins, cay

June 20, 2012

Japanese rain chains have a long and colorful history. Originally used for temples in Japan, they are intended to create an attractive and pleasing architectural water feature out of something otherwise mundane. Available in a nearly infinite combination

Personalize your Home with Address Plaques
April 15, 2012

House plaques which are also known as address plaques are very important because they are a stylish means of letting your visitors, the delivery guy as well as emergency personnel reach you easily. Thus, besides adding a touch of elegance, they are functi

High Quality Stainless Steel Tiles For Your Kitchen
March 13, 2012

If you are building a professional kitchen, or simply want a kitchen which you can spend quite a bit of time in, then retrofitting it with stainless steel tile and products is highly recommended. Most professional kitchens will use stainless steel in the

Trust Home Depot or Lowe’s
March 03, 2012

My girlfriend and I recently decided to rent out the upstairs floor of our townhouse and live in the basement. In order to do this we would need a massive renovation for basement which was used as a living room. We would need to make a bathroom a small ki

A Guide To The Magic Wand For Your Kitchen
February 02, 2012

Scenario of the day: you are a living in Toronto, a stunningly beautiful house you just moved in a while ago. The kitchen wasn’t exactly the high of the house, but since there weren’t too many lows to curve the balance, here you are a few months later