AfrikBoutik Blog - African Art, Travel & Home Decorating

AfrikBoutik Blog - African Art, Travel & Home Decorating

Review for Speciality Coils

November 26, 2013

I wanted to stop by and deliver a special ‘thank you’ to Specialty Coils for their recent work at my place of business. I am a business owner in Texas with thousands of employees that I am responsible for. As most can imagine, the summer sun can be quite brutal down south. Understandably, I did not want to wait long for specialty coils when the building’s HVAC unit broke. My contractor has a close working relationship with me and suggested we have specialty coils made after the unit broke down several times. I wanted a solution that would solve this ongoing issue once and for all.

After some investigating, I found Specialty Coils and contacted them about the HVAC issue. I had a lot of questions about the process, and the professionals at Specialty Coils were very knowledgeable and pointed me to plenty of literature on their website. They had no problem getting out to look at my unit and take measurements. They asked a lot of questions about my building’s design, occupancy, typical uses, and so on which really impressed me. The whole process was very efficient and smooth, and I felt very informed every step of the way. Specialty Coils really goes the extra mile to work every aspect possible into their designs. I think that is the way engineering should be done to achieve fantastic results.

I must admit that I had very high expectations after reading about their 150 years of experience. That is an astounding number. After working with them, I think it is easy to see how they manage to stay in business so long. I was able to get my specialty coils in just a few weeks. I honestly couldn’t believe this and expected some trouble to arise, because even ordering ready-made coils for my HVAC system usually took much longer than that. I’ve never experienced faster service regarding a major repair.

Eventually, the professionals at Specialty Coils were able to show me that my current coils did not fit the system properly, causing inadequate performance and wear. I am so happy that I took the time to work with them on a custom design. This service was absolutely worth every penny, and I know my employees and I are working more efficiently in much more comfortable working conditions. If you are having HVAC coil issues, I cannot recommend Specialty Coils enough. They will save you time, money and frustration.

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