AfrikBoutik Blog - African Art, Travel & Home Decorating

AfrikBoutik Blog - African Art, Travel & Home Decorating

Sit, Stay, CLICK! Tips For Photographying Your Favorite Furry Friends

November 22, 2013

A lot of people have pets who they absolutely adore. They will often want mementos of their animal companions and what could be better than a photograph? However, there is a problem. It is hard to get animals to do  what you want them to do, even when they are friendly. This can get frustrating, but you need to be a professional and find a way to get great shots regardless. Here are a few tips that can help.

1. Stick to natural light

Always try to photograph a pet when the natural lighting conditions are sufficient enough to ensure a good picture. This is because using a flash is never ideal in this scenario. For one, it will cause red eyes to pop up but, more importantly, the sudden bright light will frighten most animals.

2. Go to their level

The biggest problem with pet photography is when the animals do not feel comfortable. They do not need to be aggressive. It is enough for them to be nervous or anxious and you will have a hard time getting a good photo. That is why you need to do all you can in order to help them relax. One good way is simply to get down to their level. They will not be as stressed and you will get a better angle for the shot.

3. Make the eyes stand out

In a photo of a human, the eyes are extremely expressive so they need to be the focus of the image. This is also true for animals. Their eyes can show just as much emotion so be sure to capture them as best as possible.

When you are in need of top grade photography studio equipment there is no better place for this than YescomUSA. Here you will find a varied collection of products to suit your needs exactly.

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