A Few Minutes with God

A Few Minutes with God

Justice and Mercy

February 03, 2025

Justice and Mercy of Christ | Before we can delve into the dichotomy between Christ's justice and mercy, we must look within ourselves. How do we perceive the world and others? If we don't look at this issue through the lens of faith, the truth can often become distilled | #AFewMinutesWithGodWhere do you see true justice and mercy played out other than in Christ Jesus? We read the scriptures and learn that Christ is just, yet He is also merciful. How is that possible? We see it in His charity and the mercy that comes even while we are sinners. This podcast examines how we can grow in our Christian faith and evangelize to others.

Justice and Mercy of Christ ~ Episode 327

Before we can delve into the dichotomy between Christ’s justice and mercy, we must look within ourselves. How do we perceive the world and others? If we don’t look at this issue through the lens of faith, the truth can often become distilled.

Our outlook on life is one of the ways we see others and approach life’s issues. One of our pastors made the statement, “To the evil, all things are evil, and to the good, all things are good.” He then smiled and said, “Don’t blame me; this is a teaching from Jesus.”

The verse he alludes to is in Luke 6:45, “The good man out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil man out of his evil treasure produces evil; for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”

What is in our hearts? Is it love, or is it the grace that comes from God? Is it compassion? When we love, we show mercy to others because we have a greater capacity to love. Jesus taught us so much about justice and mercy, yet we fail to understand this because of the way we see others. Matthew 7: 1-6 reads. (Read on air.)

Do you see the good in others or only the bad? Sometimes we don’t get along with people, and it is difficult to change our mind about the person or to see the good that person has within. This scripture verse tells us to look at ourselves first.

[Thanks to our sponsor NOWPrograms. Their philosophy is don’t accomodate, remediate. And it really works.]

So, as we look within our hearts we can examine our attitude. Are we self-righteous? Is it compassionate? What do you see when you see when you look at yourself? Sometimes we see areas that need to change but take heart. Jesus is there for us!

Jesus lived his life challenging us, yes, but with love and mercy. His teachings and His sacrifice on the cross demonstrate his justice and his mercy. Jesus showed us, as sinners, how to be reconciled to Him. How do we do this? By picking up our own cross and following Him.

How do we thank Jesus for his death on the cross? How do we see his death as the moment where justice (not for Him but for us) and mercy intersect? Jesus was crucified not for any sin He committed but to save us from our sins.

God’s Justice and Mercy Demonstrated

  1. The justice of God is highlighted by the requirement that sin, by its very nature, must be punished.
  2. The law of God requires obedience.  Not through our strength but through our will and the grace of God.
  3. The penalty for sin is death. Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
  4. Justice is attributed to God alone, and because of His holiness, the wrongs of this life can be reversed.
  5. God is mercy exemplified by His very nature.
  6. God forgives through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus.
  7. Jesus’ death was the atonement for our sins. It was payment, and through God’s justice, our sins were forgiven.
  8. Jesus forgave our sins by his death and resurrection without compromising His righteousness. Romans 3:23-26
  9. Mercy is available to all who believe. That is the key–> those who believe in Jesus.
  10. God wants to reconcile with humanity (us) despite our sinfulness.

The Lord is righteous, He is the just judge, He is the Alpha and the Omega and through Jesus and Him alone do we have mercy for our sins.

We are healed by his stripes. Isaiah 53:5 foretold this! (Read on air.) The stipes, the wounds of the scourging at the pillar that Jesus endured and then His torture and death on the cross was for us, for each one of us. So when we are upset or down or feel that no one understands us, we must remember that God is just and merciful to those who repent, believe and call upon His name. He is there for us always.

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The post Justice and Mercy appeared first on Ultimate Christian Podcast Radio Network.