A Few Minutes with God

A Few Minutes with God

Christian Excellence

October 28, 2024

Christian Excellence | We find the concept of Christian excellence in the fifth book of Matthew, the scripture we discussed in episode 319. Last week we discussed the importance of loving our enemies with the underlying reason that if we do, at least in our will, we "chose" to love, we will not be stressed, upset, or harbor unforgiveness in our hearts when we think of or remember those who have harmed us in some way | #Friends #GrowingCharitytoUprootGreed #UprootGreed #GrowingCharity #TipsforConnection #GreaterPeaceJoyandfreedom #Joyfreedom #ModelofHonesty #TipsforConnection #OpennesswithGod #KnowingGod #Body #Mind #Spirit #RespectingtheBoundariesofOthers #Bound #RespectingBound #BoundariesofOthers #Knowing&BeingKnown #HealthyCommunication #Episode319 #ChristianExcellenceStriving for excellence is a topic I love to discuss, but Christian excellence is even better. How do we do this? In this podcast, Felice Gerwitz discusses what Jesus tells us about excellence and the stunning truth behind His words!

Christian Excellence ~ Epiosde 319

We find the concept of Christian excellence in the fifth book of Matthew, the scripture we discussed in episode 319. Last week we discussed the importance of loving our enemies with the underlying reason that if we do, at least in our will, we “chose” to love, we will not be stressed, upset, or harbor unforgiveness in our hearts when we think of or remember those who have harmed us in some way. Yet today, we find the idea of excellence under the heading of an “eye for an eye.”

Christian Excellence In The Most Unlikely Place

Matthew 5:38-42 states: (read on air)

What is the Lord asking of us? It’s impossible to be sure. However, when we consider this concept of giving more than we have to give, we will see the concept of excellence permeates the verse. How can we not resist an evil person? How can we turn the other cheek? Why would we even want to do this?

God’s Ways Are Righteous

At the root of the idea of turning the other cheek involves not retaliating or in any way seeking revenge. Yet Jesus does not want a group of followers who are pushovers or pacifists. That in the face of evil will sit there doing nothing. The idea of a slap goes back to Roman times and the idea of class and distinction. A slap on the left cheek would mean the person asked the other to show they were equal. A right cheek slap signified you were in the class below. It would take guts and bravery to turn the other cheek, and basically, that meant, in a non-violent manner, you were challenging this status.

Similar to the idea of praying for a person who has hurt you instead of seeking harm or ill will toward them, we see the challenge for us goes deep; it goes to the heart of who we are as people. God is always right and just. Yet His ways at the core are humility and courage. Jesus showed humility yet true courage when He faced execution, not for crimes He committed but for the sins we commit daily. It is important to recall He died for us!

We further read in Luke 6:27-31 (Read on air.)

Again, go above and beyond and again in humility!

Does that mean we take physical abuse at the hands of a tormentor? Of course not. But, we can avoid the need to stir up trouble and cause dissent when it can be avoided. How often are we reminded of this within our own families? Several of my children are instigators; they knew how to get each other in trouble when they were younger. These sentences often began with “Mom (said in a whinny voice), so-and-so is doing XYZ.” As parents, we react to the squeaky wheel.

This is a chance for a parent to teach a child (or, in this case, remind ourselves) the importance of humility in dealing with others. However, it often reminds us to strive to be the best we can be and not settle for mediocrity.

Christian Excellence God’s Way

The concept of excellence is not ingrained, although it should be, and it is something that we can learn and practice. A parenting class I attended long ago told us to be an example to our children, and one way we could do this was by returning the grocery cart to a holding rack. What a pain that can be, and yet it made sense. If we go above and beyond in returning a cart, how much more will we do in our personal lives and in other areas of our life?

In a world of bad service, careless people, and a narcissistic society, we find that those who strive for excellence do it for themselves. As a family, we go out to dinner after church services, and at one of our favorite restaurants, one server gives us excellent service. We are not an easy crowd since one of my sons can drink as many lemonades as she puts on the table. She started bringing him two. As we left one evening, I commented that she had spoiled us and made it difficult for us to go elsewhere. She told me she loves her job and decided to be the best.

My dad first owned a bakery and then a restaurant through college. I remember waitressing, and I send a virtual hug to all of you who do. It can be a thankless job. It never occurred to me once to do it with joy or self-giving. As much as I could, I worked in the back, preparing the meals. It was so much more rewarding for me. There, I could be appreciated for my talent. But that is not what the Lord asks us to do: work at a task only for the praise we will receive.

Can we say that in our lives? Being the best shows an example of God’s love for us. Being the best means we strive not only for excellence because we should but because this is what the Lord would want for us. How can you strive for Christian excellence?

Think and pray about this and see what the Lord calls to mind. Make time this week to strive for excellence beyond our job title or the title we hold in our homes and families.

Renounce any thoughts that you are not good enough or can’t do it — because you can, and I know this because anything is possible with God! Matthew 19:26  “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Let’s focus on the thought that we can strive for excellence, go above and beyond what we expect for ourselves, and rely on the strength, power, and miracles of Almighty God. I pray you are blessed!


The post Christian Excellence appeared first on Ultimate Christian Podcast Radio Network.