A Few Minutes with God

A Few Minutes with God

God Is With You

May 27, 2024

God Is With You | I'm a note-taker, even at church. Sometimes, after prayer, I look through my notes to see if something resonates in my heart. This struck me as I read the words: "God is with you..." Take a few moments to consider this. How does it make you feel? | #podcast #Christianpodcast #CatholicPodcast #newdayinChrist #Christ #AgonyandVictory #HeisRisen #ConsumedByJoy #ResurrectionPeople #Episode302 #GodIsWithYouAt church, you often hear that God is with you, but do you really believe that is true? How would you lead your life if you thought about the Lord walking beside you daily? And, should you think of the Almighty in such a personal way? In this podcast, Felice Gerwitz explores these thoughts.

God IS With You ~ Episode 302

I’m a note-taker, even at church. Sometimes, after prayer, I look through my notes to see if something resonates in my heart. This struck me as I read the words: “God is with you…” Take a few moments to consider this. How does it make you feel?

More importantly, do you believe it? Do you truly believe that God is with You?

Matthew 28:16-20 – The Great Commission (Read on air)

From the mouth of Jesus, friends! “…Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Now do you believe? If you are a Bible believer your answer should be a resounding, “Heck, Yeah!” If you are not a Bible believer, I can understand your hesitancy. How can you become a believer? Renounce sin, follow Christ, and at your first opportunity, receive Baptism in the Name of the Father, the Name of the Son, and the Name of the Holy Spirit.

Receiving Christ into your hearts should bring you peace. And, considering God the Son being with you should bring you hope and happiness. What a wonderful thing to consider.

God Is With You And Gives You Hope

We have such hope in our faith, don’t we? We may be challenged to lead better lives and to choose better options in our prayer and spiritual lives, but truly, there is hope. There is always hope when we lean upon the Lord, and realize that He is here in our midst.  And we are assured that Jesus cares about us and our needs in a personal way. We have verse after verse in the Bible about how Jesus spoke to the common people, he lived a humble life. He could have come as a prince of men, but instead, He came as the Prince of Peace, the Prince of the heavenly realm.

Jesus walked among men, and through His example, we see how to live. As we reflect on these thoughts, how do you feel God is calling you today? He does call us each day to a deeper walk, but many times we are so busy we ignore this call. We know the call is there (search your hearts) but we often say in our minds, later. I will get to it later.

Later may never come! Do it today. Do it now! Recommit your life to Christ, thank Him for being with you, ask Him into your heart. Ask Him to give you the strength, the grace, and the joy that comes from doing what you should do all the time. If we strive for the best and we fall short that is better than striving to do the minimum and falling short of our goal. No one said following Christ is easy, but it truly is rewarding.

Do you need hope? Do you need strength? Do you need God’s grace? Ask.

When we struggle, we often forget to pray. We are so bogged down with the problem at hand that our minds race to come up with solutions, or for some, to ignore the problem and carry on, or worse, shut down. We must persevere and consider that God’s word is truth. When Jesus rose into heaven He did not leave us orphans, He sent the Holy Spirit to infill the disciples to empower and strengthen them to face death.

John 14:1-2 (Read on air)

14 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe[a] in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?

Then read John 14:15-25, I will read you a portion of it…

Then in verses 25-28

Jesus taught the disciples, these simple men, that the first thing they must do is believe, not let their hearts be troubled, and be fearless because God is in control. This tells us also the same thing. God is here; He is in our midst, and we should not fear. Amen, and Amen!

The post God Is With You appeared first on Ultimate Christian Podcast Radio Network.