A Few Minutes with God

A Few Minutes with God

Allow God

May 13, 2024
Allow God | Allow God in, allow God to use you, and let God's love penetrate your heart. I'm sure you've heard all of these things and lots more if you've been a Christian for any time, but how do you allow God? Truly? In this podcast, Felice Gerwitz discusses her struggles and victories | #podcast #Christianpodcast #CatholicPodcast #newdayinChrist #Christ #AgonyandVictory #HeisRisen #ConsumedByJoy #ResurrectionPeople #Episode301 #AllowGodAllow God ~ Episode 301

Allow God in, allow God to use you, and let God’s love penetrate your heart. I’m sure you’ve heard all of these things and lots more if you’ve been a Christian for any time, but how do you allow God? Truly? In this podcast, Felice Gerwitz discusses her struggles and victories.

Consider this: the Creator of the universe, the Almighty God, has given us the incredible gift of free will. He allows us to choose, to say yes or no. He even allows us to take the driver’s seat in our lives. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself, how’s that working out for you? Reflect on the times when you’ve chosen your own path instead of surrendering to God’s will.

How did that work out for you? I can tell you it didn’t work out well for me!

You may have seen pictures of allowing Jesus to be a driver in our car, the car symbolizing our lives. We are the passengers, and we allow Him to take the wheel. Whenever we get ahead of the Lord’s plans for our lives, things begin to fall apart, even if they are well-meaning. Then, we need to stop, re-evaluate, and make another plan.

Take a sheet of paper or your prayer journal and write the words “Allow God” as your heading. Once you’ve done that, begin with prayer and ask the Lord how you need to allow Him into your life more deeply. Take some time for this activity; I promise it will change your life.

When we allow God in, it may be painful at first. We may need to purge some of the baggage we’ve carried around with us, some of us for years. We may need to forgive those who have hurt us, and we may need to shed a few tears.

Your experience may be different. You may find yourself set free, feel a weight lifted off your shoulders, and, for the first time, genuinely focus on what it means to let the Lord into your life.

One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11 (Read on air).

Surrendering to God allows that joy to seep in, enabling us to have a deeper faith and hope in the providence of Almighty God. I find that when I surrender, I have greater peace and am less stressed about things because I am confident that the Lord hears me, even if his answer is no or not yet.

In 1 Corinthians 10:13, we read (Read on air).

As my husband reminds me when we are tested or going through trials, the Lord shows up in a mighty way and gives us the grace to handle it – this grace is His love.

James 4:7-10 (Read on air.)

Think about that: when we draw closer to God, He will draw near to us! Praise you, Jesus, come, Lord Jesus, come!

One of the surprising joys of allowing God is how He can use me in His work. At times when I was home (and I shared this with you before on this podcast), I felt like I wanted to be the one out there sharing the good news. Instead, I was home, caring for the kids, washing the millionth load of laundry, and vacuuming the floors. Invariably, something would happen: the pest control guy would show up, or something would break. The Lord allowed me to share my love for Him in those times.

I try to remember this when things break or I am interrupted. When we say, “Your will, Lord, not mine,” amazing things happen!

Are you ready to let go and let God into your life? Are you ready? Then say it with me, “Yes, Lord, Yes!”

The post Allow God appeared first on Ultimate Christian Podcast Radio Network.
