A Few Minutes with God

Latest Episodes
Open Your Heart To God’s Love
What happens when you open your heart to God’s love? In this episode of A Few Minutes with God, we will discuss the grace of God’s love and how it can empower you. Open Your Heart To God’s Love 328 Go
Justice and Mercy
Where do you see true justice and mercy played out other than in Christ Jesus? We read the scriptures and learn that Christ is just, yet He is also merciful. How is that possible? We see it in His cha
The Rock of the Church ~ Jesus Christ
Have you heard that the rock of the church is Jesus Christ? Our faith and belief in Jesus is the foundation of the church, our faith, and all that is good and holy. So what do we do with this knowledg
Spiritual DeCluttering
Spiritual decluttering occurs when we decide to do the hard thing before we do the me thing. If that doesnt make sense, stay tuned to learn how to declutter your life meaningfully. Spiritual DeClut
Love As Christ Loves (Replay)
Love As Christ Loves ~ Episode 241 How can we love as Christ loves? Is it impossible, or is it? In this episode, we explore what true Christian love means to us. Visit the website at MediaAngels.com f
Renew Your Faith this New Year
It is time to renew your faith in God. Today. There are so many things we renew but often our faith is left behind.
Outgive God
Can you outgive God? I challenge you to try it. In todays episode of A Few Minutes with God, we explore this concept and ways we can be blessed, even as we give. Outgive God ~ Episode 324 The idea of
Loneliness At Christmas (Replay)
Loneliness At Christmas ~ Episdoe 282 Loneliness can happen at any time of the year, yet loneliness at Christmas seems especially painful. In this podcast we will discuss our role as Christians and ho
Christian Spiritual Inspiration
How do we enjoy spiritual inspiration? We can look within. In our hearts, we crave the love of the Lord, joy, and enjoyment in our lives. Today, we unfold ways to bring inspiration and awe back into o
Celebrate Christmas and Advent
Celebrate Christmas and Advent Episode 280 When you celebrate Christmas, does it include Advent? Advent is the time before Christmas. It is the 24-day countdown to the blessed event, the birth of ou