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AI: Episode 27 – Your Day in Court
March 27, 2020

Only once in a great while does a simple disagreement between parties stir up such a fervor in a quaint snow covered town that all life as we know it comes to a standstill to await the outcome. This is definitely not that sort of trial. However,

AI: Episode 26 – My Cousin Quinty
March 20, 2020

Listen, DOOM Eternal just came out and I feel like we shouldn’t be away from each other, so I’m going to make this quick… - Welcome to this week’s Adventurific! On today’s episode, Quint and Marco make a quick pit stop to the Deewee residence,

AI: Episode 25 – Lawyer? I Hardly Know Her!
March 13, 2020

What's that stupid saying only nerds tell you because they're weak? "Honesty is the best policy"? No, no, my strange naive friend. Honest is only best when you can't get the best lawyers corporate money can buy. Isn't the judicial system fantastic?

AI: Episode 24 – Take a Look, Quint’s in a Book…
March 06, 2020

So…you’ve made a deal with a demon. It’s a pretty simple transaction, they give you whatever your heart desires, and in return, you unwittingly give up an essential part of yourself and, more than likely, unknowingly agree to be a part of whatever unho...

AI: Episode 23 – Pazuzu? Pazuzu. Pazuzu!
February 28, 2020

While you are sitting on a plane heading to Chicago, there's some time to think about stuff. Not a lot of time, but just enough. Like, when our eclectic bunch of entrepreneurs first got together, there were simple plans of owning a bar,

AI: Episode 22 – What We Stab in the Shadows
February 14, 2020

Sometimes in life you need to make a call on whether or not a grudge is worth keeping, or if you are better off setting your differences aside for the greater good. It's a tough call, sure, but if you let that hate build up,

AI: Episode 21 – IT’S DO-NUT TIME!
February 09, 2020

So look who came crawling back. It’s not like us to hold a grudge or anything, but we would like to bask in this moral superiority for a bit longer. … - Okay, that’s enough. - Welcome to this week’s episode of Adventurific!

AI: Episode 20 – Haricots Renversés
January 31, 2020

Being honest with your friends is important. It's the foundation to earning trust, building better relationships, and creating an environments for positive growth and enrichment. Plus, liars are real pieces of dragon dung who can rot in the deepest pit...

AI: Episode 19 – Quint Pro Quo
January 24, 2020

Ever been stuck in a situation, that no matter how hard you try you can't seem to get through it? Like, no matter how much effort you put into it, it's like spinning your wheels in the wet Minnesotan snow, with no headway getting made. Ever.

AI: Episode 18 – Sneaky, Sneaky, Those Stairs Are Creaky
January 17, 2020

Safety is probably the MOST important thing we try to teach here at Adventurific. I’m not kidding! We honestly try our best every week to show you what happens when caution is thrown to the wind and all hell has sufficiently broken loose.