

AI: Episode 22 – What We Stab in the Shadows

February 14, 2020

Sometimes in life you need to make a call on whether or not a grudge is worth keeping, or if you are better off setting your differences aside for the greater good. It's a tough call, sure, but if you let that hate build up, the resulting release may spell more trouble than it's worth! You hear that, Nick? You are beneath me. Join us this week on Adventurific as the search for Jayla continues! However, as simple as i was figuring out WHERE she was being held, getting her out in one piece may be a bigger challenge than once thought. Don't worry, Skip is fully torqued, Tally is as bright as ever, and Quint knows how to get around unnoticed, but this time, he may not be alone in those shadows... So wire up those jaws and start blending your meals because on this week's HELL-RAISING episode of Adventurific, we are going for that sweet first round TKO!