

Starfinder: Episode 56 – Curiosity Killed the Muck

July 12, 2019

Azden Drixt was born on 54.08-12215 on the once considered planet of Viox-16. He was raised at an early age to be a soldier, a great mind in the ways of science and technology and a natural born leader to the Followers of Her Gilded Light, and Her millions of followers out in the stars! His parents Geo and Annop Drixt will always remember their son the way he would have wanted, not as the traitor on the Earth Day Seven Wars, nor as an accomplice in the Helios-V crime sprees or even as the President of the NBC, but as a man who held great power within his soul, and used it to better all of those he met. His name will be remembered for eternity, but not the one given to him; the one they will always know him as... Goodbye Kenn….wait.

What do you mean he’s not dead yet? Goddammit Tucky.

Join us this week on the Adventurific Radio Hour as Kenntucky attempts to join us back in the land of the living, and the rest of the Squad makes a plan to save the Space Whale from whatever the Red Guy has planned, but they’ll need to move fast because the darkest evil in all the galaxy is knocking on their door right now and he’s not much for waiting! Grab the chain and pour out some Tang, because this week on Adventurific, you're going to be THE LAST LINE!