

Starfinder: Episode 55 – They Call Me Icarus

July 06, 2019

Fire rains from the sky, blood flows through the streets like an amber rain, the skeletal remains of their homes and businesses crumble around them, and every Absolom Station citizen still alive must be second-guessing their decision to allow a bunch of reality TV stars to take over the largest company on the station and figuratively and literally run it into the ground! Join us this week on the newest episode of the Adventurific Radio Hour as the fight over Absolom continues, with Muck fully in tune with his creation, Duke finding the pocket, and the rest of the squad becoming more efficient with their respective weapons! The tables start turning when the Red Guy ups his game and starts playing some seriously dirty mind games on our hapless anti-heroes, and these tricks are so fiendishly clever, so diabolically devious, that even the strongest of wills can’t help but fall for them… some harder than others! So settle into your cockpit and remember to keep your hands and feet in the car at all times because this week on Adventurific, lemme just whisper in your ear real quick…
