Adventures with Grammy

Adventures with Grammy

Episode 30. An innovative nonprofit highlights the need for intergenerational interactions: Seniors4Seniors

July 29, 2021

Episode 30. Seniors 4 Seniors July 29, 2021
Guests: Eric Ross Peterson and Dr. Jason Powell

Eric Ross Peterson is the CEO and founder of Seniors4Seniors, a nonprofit non-profit organization based in Colorado that connects high school and senior citizens with the goal of helping each party learn from and mentor each other.

His biography says, “As a caregiver in a senior community, I was made aware of the challenges which the senior residents I cared for were facing daily. In doing so I also became aware that our youth, especially those in their high school years, were also having these same challenges which are isolation, loneliness, and depression. I decided to [act], which brought me to the development of Seniors4Seniors, a program which brings together the older adults and youth in our communities, enabling enriching, real human connections. This program establishes connections between these individuals with shared interests, with a focus on career aspirations of the youth that correspond to career backgrounds of the older adults. This is a unique approach has truly enabled relationships that are truly touching the human heart and mind.

(855) 945-0747

Professor Jason Powell, PhD, FCMI, AoU is the provost of the Manchester Institute of Learning and Excellence. He has held leadership positions and served as a visiting professor at universities internationally, including Harvard Medical School.

He is the author of 79 academic books and more than 500 refereed journals articles about aging, health, and social care in health care settings. He has served as editor for numerous publications and served on the editorial boards of more than 100. His research credentials are impeccable. In addition to holding numerous earned and honorary titles, he also is a Honorary Distinguished Fellow for Seniors4Seniors.
Twitter: @DrJayPow

Adventures with Grammy Essay Contest!
Back to school is a few weeks away, why not help get your grandkids used to writing the dreaded essay by having them enter the Adventures with Grammy Essay Contest?

We all know grandparents rock … we need to know why your grandchildren think YOU rock! Have them tell us in a short essay – no more than 250 words – completing this thought: My Grand is grand because ….
Children ages 5 to 16 must submit their essays by 11:59 p.m. Friday, August 6.

They can win prizes, read their essays in a free downloadable PDF and listen to the winning essays on a bonus episode of the Adventures with Grammy Podcast Sept. 12, 2021, which is Grandparents Day!

To learn more, visit
Please note: All children are eligible to win prizes, including those whose parents and grandparents have been guests on the podcast!


To learn more about the Adventures with Grammy podcast, or to be a guest, visit

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