Adventure Party

Adventure Party

Adventure Party #29 – Going With the Flow

January 08, 2016

In this meeting, we talk about some of the games that we are excited to see in 4th quarter 2015 and 2016. We aren’t limiting it to and game type. Board, card, tabletop RPG, console, and computer games are all on the table. Our games were Fallout 4, Ghostbusters: The Boardgame, SAVE – The Eternal Society, Blood Rage, Arkham Investigator, and Mistfall. We discuss another Todd Roll related tale and give major kudos to the talented Mark Wooldrage, of Central Battery Musicworks, who composed the theme for Adventure Party.
Glenn’s Review:
Glenn introduces us to The Grizzled. A card game that puts you in the trenches of World War I. IT’s a 2-5 player game that takes around 30 minutes to play. You need to use strategy and teamwork to survive the mission. Your team leader will instruct each team member on how many cards to draw. You’ll use those cards and your special abilities to finish out the mission and survive the war.
Gale Force Nine to Release Multiple Doctor Who Games Starting in 2016
Gale Force Nine is on tap to release multiple Doctor Who themed board games through it’s partnership with BBC Worldwide North America. First up will be Doctor Who: Time of the Daleks which will materialize in the first half of 2016.
Kickstarter Spotlight:
We shine the spotlight on Tome of Beasts from Kobold Press. This supplement to D&D 5th Edition will give you access to over 400 new monsters to add to your adventures. It will be available in PDF and print form and looks like an excellent resource to add to your campaigns.
Image By Ulrich Peters ( [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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