Adventist Reflections

Adventist Reflections

Latest Episodes

2022Q1 – Lesson 8 – Freedom from Guilt, Shame, and Remorse (Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant) [Hebrews 8]
February 19, 2022

The freedom from your past is today's present option for you through Christ!#Hebrews #HighPriest #Sacrifice #Perfect #Guilt #Shame #Anxiety #Depression #Remorse #Freedom

2022Q1 – Lesson 7 – Violating Traffic Laws (Jesus, the Anchor of the Soul) [Hebrews 7] - Priest after the Order of Melchizedek
February 12, 2022

The wilful and unskillful violations... all can be freed through our Great High Priest#salvation #plan #sin #violation #trafficoffence #Melchizedek #HighPriest #Priest #Sacrifice

2022Q1 – Lesson 6 – Endurance (Jesus, the Faithful Priest) [Hebrews 6]
February 12, 2022

The similarity of the endurance of an ultramarathoner and the endurance of a garden tender!#endurance #christianity #Hebrews #Hebrews6 #garden #gardening #running #marathon #longdistance #ultramarathoning #Anchor #Christ #HighPriest

2022Q1 – Lesson 5 – Self-Honour (Jesus, the Giver of Rest) [Hebrews 5]
February 04, 2022

Blowing your own trumpet?Called to a greater state of mind and self?What are you doing to make sure of your Eternal life?#Hebrews5 #Salvation #EternalLife #BetterLiving #Freedom #Guilt #Sin #Faith #Obedience #Christianity #AppliedChristianity #Christia

2022Q1 – Lesson 4 - Rest Does Not Come from the Sabbath [Hebrews 4]
January 28, 2022

Resting from Works, Building Faith! -Rest does not come from the Sabbath#Rest #Sabbath #Hebrews #Rest #Blessed #Christianity #Salvation #Works #Faith #WorkvsFaith

2022Q1 – Lesson 3 – Christ Gave and Took Breastfeeding Milk (The Promised Son)
January 16, 2022

Breastfeeding milk, sacrifices, Ancient Hebrews, Christianity, Faith, and The Son of God

2022Q1 – Lesson 2 – The Empathising God (The Message of Hebrews)
January 05, 2022

A God of empathy... #God #empathy #suffering #understanding #Love #compassion #hebrews #SabbathSchool

2022Q1 - Lesson 1 – Identity, Crisis, and The Seal Who Seals
December 31, 2021

Start the year understanding your Christianity...#Hebrews #Characterbuildingideas #TheSeal #sealing #indentity #crisis #Christiniaty

2022Q1 - Lesson 1 – Identity, Crisis, and The Seal Who Seals
December 31, 2021

Start the year understanding your Christianity...#Hebrews #Characterbuildingideas #TheSeal #sealing #indentity #crisis #Christiniaty

2021Q1 - Lesson 11 - Beating Evil with Love
March 12, 2021

God is Love! #Isaiah #bibleeducation #CaringGod #TyrantGod #DoesHeCare #Hope #Yourenotalone #NotAlone #suffering #depression #grief #loss #sadness #anxiety #worry #suicide #suicidal #suicidality #Love #loveinaction #gaveitallforyou