Advancing Our Church

Advancing Our Church

137. U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking

August 05, 2023

Published: May 14, 2023

Today we welcome Katie Boller Gosewisch, the Executive Director of the U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking, which was founded in 2013 by a group of Catholic Sisters who were committed to ending human trafficking and supporting survivors. They’ve created a national network of resources and support made up of 110 congregations of women religious and another 70+ individuals and groups spread throughout the United States. They are also a member of a much larger global network, Talitha Kum, which is an international network of consecrated life working to end human trafficking.

Katie brings over 20 years of experience and great skill to her role, having served as the Executive Director for two Minnesota-based nonprofits: Living at Home Network and WeCab, both of which focused on serving vulnerable populations with important access to resources like transportation, safe and affordable housing, and medical care. I think you’ll find during this conversation that Katie is a committed and vision-driven professional. She holds a Master of Arts in Systematic Theology from St. John’s University and a Bachelor of Arts in Theology and History from St. Mary’s University.

During the show, Katie shares about the Bark App, which monitors text messages, YouTube, emails, and 30+ different social networks for potential safety concerns, so busy parents can save time and gain peace of mind.

Many thanks to our show’s sponsor, Changing Our World.

Watch the video presentation of this discussion.
Recorded May 11, 2023

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