Advancing Our Church

Advancing Our Church

135. Dr. Laura Sicola – Speaking to Influence in Our Church

August 05, 2023

Published: April 10, 2023

We’re pleased to have Dr. Laura Sicola on the podcast this week because communication is a common thread in the work of Advancing Our Church. Laura talks with us about communicating through storytelling, using common and accessible language with our audiences, and she touches on crisis communications. Laura also speaks about the importance of aligning our verbal messaging with our nonverbal cues, how to motivate and mobilize a board through your meetings (telling the story of the numbers), what vocal fry is, tips on Lectoring, tonality, the importance of using the right microphone and much more.

Laura Sicola is a leadership communication and influence expert, speaker, and author of Speaking to Influence: Mastering Your Leadership Voice. Laura is the founder of Vocal Impact Productions in Philadelphia, PA, and is known for her coaching and live on-camera training that turns executives into confident, inspiring leaders, whether on stage, on camera or just on the phone in order to get the results they want and make a positive, lasting impact. Check out Laura’s podcast “Speaking to Influence” on iTunesYouTube or wherever you download your favorite podcasts.

Vocal Impact Productions:
Twitter: @laurasicola

This episode is sponsored by: Changing Our World

Watch the video presentation of this discussion.
Recorded: March 20, 2023

Don’t miss Changing Our World’s FORGING FORWARD

Don’t miss the webinar series FORGING FORWARD, a virtual philanthropic conference designed to bring you nonprofit experts from around the country who are leading through the COVID-19 crisis.

Daily Spiritual Reflection and Prayers on “Kristin’s Crosses”

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