Advancing Our Church

Advancing Our Church

120. Catholic Leadership for Civil Society

August 05, 2023

Cristofer Pereyra and Erin Monnin have authored the new book, Catholic Leadership for Civil Society, to provide a guide to authentic lay Catholic leadership. The book challenges the laity to take on leadership roles in the secular world. Join Changing Our World’s Jim Friend and his guests for this thoughtful conversation about the role of lay leadership in our Church today.

About the Book

Catholic Leadership is not meant to be lived out exclusively within the confines of the Catholic faith community. Instead, serves mainly as a guiding force that illuminates every aspect of secular society with the Truth of the Gospel. The book explains why lay Catholic professionals have a unique responsibility and privileged opportunity to influence the world for Christ. It’s not an optional prerogative, but their duty as baptized children of God. The authors explain that chance and coincidence are not compatible with the Catholic faith. If God has blessed some lay Catholics with a professional career, then their career must obligatorily become those Catholics’ field of mission. Ultimately, this book explores specific fields and concrete ways to carry out Catholic leadership for civil society.

Watch the video presentation of this discussion

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