Advancing Our Church
104. Fr. Christopher Walsh – Overcoming Racism
Published: October 12, 2021
Father Christopher Walsh, Pastor of Saint Raymond of Penafort Catholic Church in Philadelphia, joins this week’s podcast to discuss identifying and overcoming racism within ourselves and in our parish communities. Fr. Chris shares his experiences of providing pastoral service to a primarily black community and how together, they have formed a vibrant and inclusive community. Fr. Chris also touches upon the Bishop’s Pastoral Letter, “Open Wide Our Hearts, the enduring call to love,” and he discusses practical examples of how our minds and hearts can be converted. We invite you to join Changing Our World‘s Jim Friend for this important conversation.
Resources discussed in this episode:
- Open Wide Our Hearts, the enduring call to love – United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Saint Raymond of Penafort’s YouTube Channel
- Just Faith Ministries
Follow Fr. Chris on Twitter / Facebook / YouTube / LinkedIn
Father Chris is the Pastor of St. Raymond of Penafort Church in Philadelphia, where he has served for 13 years. He is a professional consultant with the Saint John Vianney Center providing religious workshops and convocations for Clergy and Religious across the country. He serves priests throughout the United States and Canada in leadership formation through the Catholic Leadership Institute, he provides regular reflections on his parish’s YouTube Channel which is viewed throughout the country and he provides Spiritual Direction.
Prior to St. Raymond, he was the School Minister at Archbishop Wood High School as well as Parochial Vicar at Our Lady of Ransom. Raised in Chester County, he is a graduate of Bishop Shanahan High School, he has a B.A. in Sociology from Temple University and an M. Div.; M.A. in Systematic Theology from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Father Chris received training in the Spiritual Exercises at the Jesuit Center at Wernersville and has preached retreats and days of recollection throughout the country.
Watch the video presentation of this discussion
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