Advancing Our Church

Advancing Our Church

101. How Do We Bring them Back?

August 03, 2023

Published: September 19, 2021

In December 2020, Dan Cellucci, CEO of the Catholic Leadership Institute, offered a compelling talk entitled “What If They Don’t Come Back?” What if Catholics who have been away during this pandemic simply do not return to Mass after the restrictions have been lifted? Dan’s predictions and the data collected by the Catholic Leadership Institute were correct. There is a growing apathy in our Church about the sacraments and returning to Mass and many parishioners have simply not returned. Dan’s talk becomes the discussion starter for today’s podcast. Dan offers ideas for identifying the issues and simple strategies to welcome and engage parishioners. The question we will tackle today is, “How Do We Bring them Back?” Changing Our World‘s Jim Friend hosts Dan for this compelling and informative discussion.

About Dan Cellucci

Dan Cellucci is CEO of Catholic Leadership Institute, an apostolate providing leadership training and consulting to more than 250 bishops, 3,500 priests, and over 25,000 deacons, religious and lay leaders in more than 100 dioceses. Prior to his election as CEO, Dan served as Senior Vice President for Catholic Leadership Institute, working as the primary liaison with bishops and overseeing the apostolate’s marketing and services. Dan is a sought-after advisor, consultant, and presenter for the Church, playing a lead role in projects in the Archdioceses of Miami and Boston as well as the Diocese of Pittsburgh and at the North American College.

Dan oversees research associated with Catholic Leadership Institute’s Disciple Maker Index, a parish survey tool that seeks to help pastors and pastoral leaders focus their efforts toward evangelization. In just five short years, the Disciple Maker Index has reached over 400 parishes and 100,000 Catholics. Working with this incredible data and more than 25 years of field experience, Dan and the team have recently embarked on an ambitious plan to define what the Next Generation Parish looks like in the next ten years. Dan and his wife Tricia are the proud parents of four children and live in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Watch the video presentation of this discussion

Recorded September 10, 2021

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