Advancing Our Church

Advancing Our Church

97. Return Home to The Eucharist

August 02, 2023

Published: June 15, 2021

Join Changing Our World‘s Jim Friend and cohost Anna Vallez for a panel discussion with three pastors who share their experiences of adapting to a virtual environment over the past year. What lessons have they learned? What new parish practices have brought their communities closer together, and what will they carry forward into a post-pandemic Church? As parishioners begin to return home to Mass, how do these pastors think about returning to the real presence of the Eucharist, and what steps will they take to welcome parishioners home? Hear how they have creatively engaged parishioners over the past year and how they are welcoming them home to the Lord’s Table. Our panel includes…

  • Fr. Joseph Scolaro, Pastor, Notre Dame Church in New Hyde Park, New York

  • Fr. Mike Murphy, Pastor, Sacred Heart Parish in Coronado, California

  • Fr. Allen Hoffa, Pastor, St. Joseph Parish of the Panther Valley in Summitt Hill, Pennsylvania. As of June 20, 2021, Fr. Hoffa will be Pastor of Holy Guardian Angels Parish in Reading, Pennsylvania
Watch the video presentation of this discussion

Recorded on June 9, 2021

Don’t miss Changing Our World’s FORGING FORWARD

Don’t miss the webinar series FORGING FORWARD, a virtual philanthropic conference designed to bring you nonprofit experts from around the country who are leading through the COVID-19 crisis.

Daily Spiritual Reflection and Prayers on “Kristin’s Crosses”

Join Jim and Kristin Friend and their family on Kristin’s Crosses YouTube Channel for “Today’s Catholic Prayers.” Jim and Kristin offer the daily Gospel and Reflection along with the Rosary and Catholic Prayers of the day. Click here to visit the YouTube Page and subscribe. If you would like to join the Kristin’s Crosses prayer group on Facebook, click here to request to join.

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