Advancing Our Church

87. Faith and Fundraising in 2021
Published: February 17, 2021
2020 forced us to reimagine many of our longstanding fundraising best practices, from major gifts to direct marketing and events to grant writing. What did we learn, what new ideas will we keep, and how will our strategies need to evolve as we emerge into a post-pandemic world? Join Changing Our World’s Jim Friend, host of the Advancing Our Church Podcast, for this conversation to hear from fellow Catholic leaders about their new insights and recommendations for sustained donor support in 2021.
Our special guests include Joseph M. Gillmer, CFRE® CSPG CAP®, Executive Director of Development, Archdiocese of Washington; Sarah Hanley, President and CEO, The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia (CFGP), Lisa Quist, Chief Development Officer, Edmundite Missions, and Kevin R. Callahan, Director of Special Events, SOAR! Support Our Aging Religious, Inc.
We begin our episode with our guest, Kevin Compagna, Director of Sales and Service at Catholic Purchasing Services, Inc., who will share information about a special opportunity for Catholic Schools.
Watch the video of the conversation
Don’t miss Changing Our World’s FORGING FORWARD
Don’t miss the webinar series FORGING FORWARD, a virtual philanthropic conference designed to bring you nonprofit experts from around the country who are leading through the COVID-19 crisis.
Daily Spiritual Reflection and Prayers on “Kristin’s Crosses”
Join Jim and Kristin Friend and their family on Kristin’s Crosses YouTube Channel for “Today’s Catholic Prayers.” Jim and Kristin offer the daily Gospel and Reflection along with the Rosary and Catholic Prayers of the day. Click here to visit the YouTube Page and subscribe. If you would like to join the Kristin’s Crosses prayer group on Facebook, click here to request to join.
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