A Doctor's Perspective Podcast

E 163 Telomere Testing and Bio-electric Chemistry Darrell Misak ND RPh
Learn about bio electric spectrum health and how to measure it with blood, urine and saliva. We discuss his supplement and telemeres. Welcome Dr. Darrell Misak, ND RPh.
Bio-electric Spectrum of Health - Frequency and Vibration
As a pharmacist working at Duke in the oncology department, he always wondered why he couldn’t give IV vitamins that were shown to be helpful to these patients that could really use them.
Live and Dry Blood Analysis
A big focus is on blood quality. Is it healthy and carrying oxygen correctly or is degradation? Size, ratio of white blood cells, destructive patterns, glutanation patterns etc.Plus in depth urine analysis.After analysis all these things Dr. Misak can say are you gaining or losing energy, inefficiency and what stressors are nutrients are needed to support this chemistry.
Where are the burdens of the body and support it to heal.
Liver can be seen as the nuclear factory of the body. It determines what is good and what needs to be eliminated. Can we generate energy or is it a burden?Blood is the health and stress of the body, HLB analysis or oxidative stress test. Live blood carries nutrients.Urine and saliva shows energy efficiency: liver stressed, sugar regulated etcUrine pH that you can test at home can help you focus in on the foods you eat that are helpful and harmful for you specifically. He gives some basic numbers and ratios we should be concerned with around minute 15 or so.
What are his 5 Phases to Reclaim Your Health?
* Clean up your environment: food* What are your stressors* Support that you need directly* Now you can detoxify and then heal… a process* Self awareness to recognize when you aren’t right
When telomeres shorten it creates the natural aging process.Is there a way to stimulate telomerase?
Around minutes 22 he goes through the ingredients of his product “vitelometry”.
We discuss drug and herb interactions.
How do you find quality products, sources and combine it all and make the pills?What’s the benefit of reformulating his product to serve the health needs of animals?
HighBrix farming aka remineralizing our soil - how does that benefit society?
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