A Doctor's Perspective Podcast

E 136 Sustainable Recovery Over Addiction Timothy Harrington of Wide Wonder
Timothy Harrington talks to Dr. Justin Trosclair DC on A Doctor's Perspective Podcast.
Drug use can lead to addiction
or dependence: why is the difference so key? Trust vs Fear when disciplining
teenagers. How to remove the stigma so you don’t suffer in silence and get the
mental health they need. Wide Wonder founder Timothy Harrington.
Learning to not just get off
drugs and alcohol but to stay stopped.
How does childhood trauma or
abuse set one up to have unhealthy relationship or addiction to drugs and alcohol?
Strong relation with self and
other people and I can be the best to my clients.
There is a Huge distinction
what is it and why should it matter so much?
A key to remember is the media narrative vs evidence based science
narrative are not the same.
Can you use drugs recreationally
without it having negative consequences on your friends, family and job?
Is the moral decay of society
label they put on illicit drugs helping or hurting the way teenagers and adults
approach drug use?
Why/ how are there so many
people (70%) functioning normally with a job yet still take drugs? We only have
programs that address the rock bottom person and not the one who is still
coasting on 2 wheels.
Why is early age use of drugs so
detrimental and increases the likelihood of addiction and all the negative
consequences that come with it?
Teenagers rebel. They experiment
with drugs and other addictive behaviors (even gaming). Parents have several
options to deal with this scenario. Tim discusses the labeling them as a junkie
or addict route, the you are grounded and punishment route, the Trust and
relate to the kid about your past experiences route and ties in peer pressure
along with it.
What are the negative and
positive consequences for each route previously mentioned?
Ultimately we can have an addiction to just about anything when it becomes an unhealthy balance and negative consequences or neglecting other areas of life and yet we keep doing that destructive habit.
What is the relationship to that
behavior and the rest of your responsibilities in life? Why not make hard lines
of right and wrong and stigmatize some things and not others?
Many decisions we make come from
a place of Fear, how can we keep that in check and make better choices…
especially when you see a loved one going down a path that can lead to self
Peer pressure
Peer pressure is
real. Picking the “wrong friends” can expose you to things that you may never
have experienced before and in a negative way.
When it comes to teenagers, what
are they getting from those relationships that they weren’t getting from their
other peer group or more importantly not getting from their parents?
How do you as a parent develop
the same characteristic of their peer group (basic value: non-judgmental,
non-shaming, non-blaming)?
Trust. It’s more important that
your kids trust you and that they can come back to you even if or even though
they are doing things you disapprove of. You may even find that when you build
that trust bridge of “I’ve been in situation like you before” the kid will look