A.D. History Podcast

Latest Episodes
Attila The FIERCE | Part 3 441AD-450AD
Attila the Hun in 441AD-450AD - with the death of his brother - achieves rule over all Hunnic lands, and achieves his infamous reputation.
Napoleon (2023): Ridley Scott’s Historical Hit Piece | A.D. HISTORY WATCHES REVIEW
Napoleon (2023) suffers from criminal amounts of historical inaccuracies, seemingly in service to Ridley Scott creating a hit piece.
Attila the Hun: P.2 In Power | 431AD-440AD
In Part 2 we see how Attila the Hun conducted himself as king, and what Saint Patrick did that influences Ireland to this day!
Oppenheimer: Did Nolan Nail the History? | A.D. HISTORY WATCHES REVIEW
Oppenheimer (2023) is one of the few exceptions of Hollywood and Christopher Nolan getting the history right in a major blockbuster.
Attila the Hun: P.1 The Early Years | 421AD-430AD
Attila the Hun, as mysterious in some ways as the Huns themselves, has surprising origins in his earliest years.
Alaric I Sacks Rome | 411AD-420AD
Alaric I, the first king of the Visigoths, stands poised to do something tragic to the city of Rome that has not happened for over 800 years!
Brexit 1.0: Rome Abandons Britain | 401AD-410AD
Rome abandons Britain in c. 410AD, initiating history's FIRST Brexit; and Rome's scourge the Visigoth King Alaric I comes onto the scene.
The Modern Reality of Being a Dutch History Teacher F/ History Hustle [SPECIAL]
Teaching Dutch history today is not straightforward, and Dutch history teacher Stefan from YouTube's History Hustle shares his experience.
Should Elizabeth II Be Remembered As “Elizabeth The Great”? | [SPECIAL]
Does Elizabeth II actually merit being known to history as "Elizabeth the Great," or even "Elizabeth the Wise"?
Marcellinus and the Great Tsunami of 365AD & More! | What We Missed 4th Century
The Great Tsunami of 365AD was a pivotal natural disaster in the ancient world you've never heard of, and Marcellinus' account is harrowing...