The ADHD Strategist with Michelle Raz Podcast

The ADHD Strategist with Michelle Raz Podcast

You Do You and Be A Frootloop

March 07, 2020

You Do You!

Embrace all of what makes you unique and go with it.
It is precisely this mentality that will allow you to excel and shine in this very competitive world.

But HOW? It is so hard when my whole life I have been told to act a certain way or do a certain thing.

Go on a mental journey to when you were young enough to not care what you did or how you acted and get in touch with what your innate interests and personality was like then.

Often you here people refer to successful people like this….
”They always were doing ________ .
From a young age they had ___________interests.
Fill in the blank with what that was for you!

For me, you could find me wandering around our blackberry infested backyard eating the plump fruit while building intricate villages out of random sticks, leaves and insects I found.
I was building my world and creating for hours.
I still have this desire to create and be in touch with nature and incorporate it into my work.
What about you? What makes you wonderfully different?
You Do You

Be A Frootloop in a bowl of Cheerios!

Raz Coaching specializes in helping people with executive function challenges find careers they love and land them. Read more at Or sign up for the weekly blog or purchase my new book Happiness+Passion+Purpose. Exercises and strategies you can put to use immediately. AND follow at for daily motivations
