A Date With The Bake

The Great British Baking Show S.10 – Mexican Week
The Great British Baking Show takes a hiatus from is regularly scheduled baking and tries to bring some multi-culturalism into the tent with a new International week called Mexican Week! It’s a lively romp from beginning to end with everyone getting into the south of the border spirit and producing interesting takes on classic Mexican dishes using classic Mexican flavors! Except it didn’t really happen that way… Team Kimberly is holding on by a thread of melted cheese, Team Jake is having some difficulties with the taco-ness of it all, and Team Katie has a real high and some real guacamol-lows. So grab a Jarritos ( or maybe actually this calls for a cerveza) and prepare for the first ever and probably only Mexican Week coverage from A DATE WITH THE BAKE: Chili con Carnage.