A Date With The Bake

A Date With The Bake

The Great British Baking Show S.10 – Cake Week/Biscuit Week

October 06, 2022

Aaaaaaand their off!! New bakers are in the tent and Kimberly, Katie and Jake are ready to cheer on their teams. Kimberly’s team JDSM has highs and lows with a Hollywood handshake and a young baker sent home early. Katie’s team The Tammy Faye Bakers has the exact same journey except Katie still has some extra bitterness (not from Carole’s chicory) but losing out  on her number 1 draft pick. And team Jake, Baker For Life, starts strong with two of his bakers showing some advanced skill and getting high marks in the personality department. So who WILL be setting the baking bar high in Cake Week and Biscuit Week? And who WILL crumble under the pressure? Find out in the premiere double episode of A DATE WITH THE BAKE: Smells Like Team Spirit!