Activism 101 with Mike Maharrey

Activism 101 with Mike Maharrey

Latest Episodes

Activism 101 Podcast #21: Keeping Your Focus
October 21, 2017

In this installment of the Activism 101 podcast, I talk about the importance of keeping your focus on your activism plan and your ultimate goals when unexpected things (like a lawsuit) pop up in the midst of your work.

Activism 101 Podcast #21: Keeping Your Focus
October 21, 2017

If you listened to episode #20, you know the city…

Activism 101 Podcast #20: Local Government Sues Me to Keep Documents Secret
October 09, 2017

The city of Lexington really doesn't want me to have information on the police department's mobile surveillance cameras. When I won an open records appeal to the attorney general's office, the city took it to the next level and sued me.

Activism 101 Podcast #20: Local Government Sues Me to Keep Documents Secret
October 09, 2017

I knew going into this activism effort there woul…

Activism 101 Podcast #19: Let People Help
October 06, 2017

In this installment of the Activism 101 podcast, I talk about the importance of delegating tasks and responsibilities to other people, and explain how my own unwillingness to let some things go has hindered our work.

Activism 101 Podcast #19: Let People Help
October 06, 2017

Being a control freak can be detrimental to your …

Activism 101 Podcast #18: Getting on the Radio, and Prepping for an Interview
September 29, 2017

In this installment of the Activism 101 podcast, I talk about how I got invited to appear on the radio show, and I offer some tips on how to prepare for a successful interview. 

Activism 101 Podcast #18: Getting on the Radio, and Prepping for an Interview
September 28, 2017

We recently enjoyed a big publicity breakthrough …

Activism 101 Podcast #17: What Do You Do when the Cops Won’t Give Up the Documents?
September 26, 2017

In this installment of the Activism 101 podcast, I talk about how I appealed and won when the Lexington Police Department denied my request for documents relating to mobile surveillance cameras.

Activism 101 Podcast #17: What Do You Do when the Cops Won't Give Up the Documents?
September 26, 2017

Back on episode #4, I talked about obtaining docu…