Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast

Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast

Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast #240 Victoria Pelletier Influence Unleashed

June 12, 2024

Influence Unleashed

On this episode of the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast, Craig Johns speaks with Victoria Pelletier about Influence Unleashed, resilience and how we can build a strong personal brand.

We also dive deeper into creating and discovering our own legacy, and what our workplace culture should be like in order to create harmony and belongingness amongst people in your organisation.

Victoria Pelletier – Influence Unleashed

Victoria Pelletier is a seasoned corporate executive, C-Suite transformational expert, passionate diversity & inclusion leader and author of the recently released Influence Unleashed. 

She has studied Psychology at the University of Calgary, and has completed education in financial management, mutual funds and securities. Her career includes senior executive and VIce President roles at global Fortune 500 companies such as American Express, Accenture and IBM.                  

Victoria Pelletier talks about:

  • Influence Unleashed
  • Dreaming of becoming a lawyer
  • Treating news, current events, and experiences as her mentors
  • Building resilience
  • Supporting people as leaders through difficult times
  • Ability to communicate, effective storytelling, and confidence
  • Describing her personal brand
  • Getting people to trust you and feel you’re approachable
  • Building a strong brand
  • Creating our legacy
  • Visualization
  • Key components around building culture that allows everyone to feel seen, heard and believed in
  • Dealing with toxic yet high performing people in the organization
  • Navigating difficult conversations


“Resilience can be taught, can be built, but it means doing things that are going to make you uncomfortable.” Resilience by Victoria Pelletier on the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast.

“A really important part of resilience is surrounding yourself with a community that is made up of coaches, leaders, and mentors who can help guide you through it, support you through it, and others who can understand and you can chat with.” Victoria Pelletier talks about having a support system on the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast.

“As leaders, it’s imperative for us to communicate in a very different way in terms of the transparency we need to have with people. That helps give a little bit of safety when there’s a challenge or transition coming, but it also means having deeper conversations with team members to understand and unpack what is making them feel that way, and sometimes I find it can be very superficial.” Victoria Pelletier talks about being a supportive leader on the Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast.

Resources Mentioned in this show:

Victoria Pelletier
Victoria Pelletier  LinkedIn
Victoria Pelletier  Youtube
Victoria Pelletier Facebook
Victoria Pelletier Instagram
Craig Johns
Craig Johns
Craig Johns LinkedIn
Craig Johns Faa human beigncebook
Inspiring Great Leaders Podcast


Influence Unleashed
The Power Of Whole Human Leadership 