The Active Atlanta Podcast

The Active Atlanta Podcast

Ep108 | The Importance of Nutrition with Mike Collins

August 10, 2023

In this episode, we dive into the world of fitness and nutrition with Mike Collins, a personal trainer, nutrition coach, and body recomposition expert. Growing up in a fitness-oriented household, Mike's passion for health and wellness led him to pursue a master's degree in the field. Now, he's dedicated to helping individuals transform their bodies and achieve their goals.

One of the key challenges Mike discusses is the difficulty people face in getting enough protein in their diets. He sheds light on the ongoing debate within the nutrition community regarding the ideal protein intake. Alongside this, Mike highlights the effectiveness of reducing calorie intake while increasing physical activity as a successful approach to leaning out and enhancing muscle definition.

Our society's relationship with food and weight loss is another topic of discussion. Mike delves into the struggles many individuals encounter when trying to shed pounds, from the challenge of burning enough calories to breaking unhealthy eating habits such as mindless snacking. He also acknowledges the societal pressures, busy lifestyles, and the prevalence of fast food that make maintaining a healthy diet a constant battle. However, he emphasizes the importance of striving for certain dietary principles and seeking guidance from nutrition coaches for effective management and accountability.

Accountability is a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as Mike explains. He shares how having someone to hold you accountable can make it easier to adapt to a "new normal" and sustain positive changes. Mike also highlights the work of a friend who provides nutrition coaching for those in low economic situations, addressing the issue of food deserts where access to healthier options is limited, particularly in certain areas.

Furthermore, Mike touches upon the flaws in the American healthcare system, especially for long-term cardiovascular diseases. He discusses how stress plays a significant role in overall health and how it contributes to the obesity epidemic. To combat these challenges, Mike suggests paying attention to nutrition facts and opting for snacks with high protein content and low fat and carbohydrates. He even shares his personal favorite snack, cottage cheese, which he enjoys either with grilled chicken or mixed with blueberries and raspberries. Tune in to gain valuable insights and practical advice for navigating the complexities of nutrition and fitness.

Reach out to Mike:

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Via Instagram: @coachmikecollins