A Congruent Life

ACL 056: Stephanie St.Claire
After encountering an unexpected "plot twist" in her life, Stephanie St.Claire reinvented herself to support others experiencing heartbreak and loss.
In this episode of A Congruent Life, Stephanie shares insights gleaned from her reinvented life, including:
how crises of health or money often help us uncover personal authenticity,
why living an interesting life is itself a new form of currency,
becoming an expert at saying no, so that she can say a bigger yes,
learning to know love and connection, and to live not just for self,
embracing a philosophy of living agelessly,
choosing to approach work with a philosophy of play and creation,
analogies between a business and an intimate relationship,
moving from standing against something to standing for something, and asking important questions about legacy.
Links from the Show
Stephanie's "virtual cubicle" on Facebook
Stephanie on Twitter