A Congruent Life

ACL 055: Gary Hirsch
Gary Hirsch is an artist and co-founder of On Your Feet, which improves organizational dynamics and teaches business skills through principles of improv. He is also the driving force behind Botjoy, a project to spread joy and courage throughout the world with an army of hand-painted robots.
In this episode of A Congruent Life, Gary shares great stories and insights that weave between the worlds of art and business, including:
- how the principles of improv can improve the way that people interact in teams,
- a key lesson that has stuck with him that “sometimes you just have to play,”
- experimentation and being curious,
- embracing a creative process where someone else finishes the narrative,
- why he wants other people to “steal” his ideas,
- getting out of the way to allow your creation to flourish in unexpected ways, and
- learning to check ego, press the “pause” button, and be present in the moment.
Links from the Show
- On Your Feet website
- Botjoy gallery
- “Meet Your Monster” – Gary Hirsch at TEDxConcordiaUPortland (YouTube)
- Gary at World Domination Summit 2013 (Vimeo)
- @garyhirsch on Twitter
- #bravebots on Twitter
TranscriptComing soon!
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