A Congruent Life

ACL 053: Erik Proulx
After unexpectedly losing his job as an advertising executive, Erik Proulx embraced documentary film-making, and made a compelling film called Lemonade about several people who – in Erik’s words – lost their jobs and discovered their callings.
In this episode of A Congruent Life, Erik shares reflections about his journey as a creative professional, including:
- learning to separate who you are from what you do,
- perspective on making inspiration actionable,
- not knowing how to accomplish a vision, but trusting that the necessary help will show up when it’s needed,
- paying attention to the inner voice that urges us to pursue a significant project,
- learning not to simply swap one identity for another, but rather embracing that the sum of our experiences make us who we are.
Links from the Show
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TranscriptTranscript for ACL 053: Erik Proulx
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