A Congruent Life

ACL 048: Danea Horn
Danea Horn has had significant health challenges since birth, and has let illness become her teacher in profound ways. She wrote a book called Chronic Resilience to support others in being more self-compassionate during the stress of illness, and in a stunning act of love, recently received a kidney transplant from her husband on their 11th wedding anniversary.
In this episode of A Congruent Life, Danea shares profound insights from her life journey, including:
- learning at an early age that her chronic illness was not a burden,
- changing her expectations about what her family would look like,
- learning to be willing to truly grieve the things that she needed to let go of,
- her direct experience with the power – and limitations – of positive thinking,
- embarking on a book project to share her journey and the stories of other inspiring women,
- receiving news of her kidney failure on the day of her book release,
- the amazing gift she received from her husband, and her reflections on that experience, and
- ultimately being compassionate about our own humanity.
Links from the Show
- Chronic Resilience website
- Charity Tillemann-Dick: Singing After a Double Lung Transplant – TED video
- Sacramento Kings Top Executive Gives Wife Gift of a Lifetime – Sierra Donor Services
- Chronic Resilience: 10 Sanity-Saving Strategies for Women Coping with the Stress of Illness on Amazon
TranscriptComing soon!
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