Coffee with the College

Episode 39: Persistence and Planning Pay-off: The Mental Health Emergency Center Journey
In communities across the United States, health systems and governments often struggle to provide adequate mental health care for their populations. In Milwaukee, an inspiring new care model opened in 2022 thanks to over a decade of hard work, persistence, and willingness of health system competitors to join forces for the greater good of the community. Thanks to collaboration between Milwaukee County and the area’s four health systems, The Mental Health Emergency Center (MHEC) opened in September 2022 as the new county-wide psychiatric emergency department for the City of Milwaukee. MHEC has quickly become a national model for emergency crisis care that is patient-centered, recovery-oriented, and culturally informed. Join our host, Janet Schulz, and guests, Joy Tapper, Jessica Small, and Michael Lappen, to learn about the formation of this center, lessons learned along the way, and how leaders and stakeholders came together to help better serve their community.