The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

Latest Episodes

Wounded By Wounds
February 28, 2022

Wounded By Wounds podcast features Mahagony B. She is working on a series of films, books, and short videos addressing our traumas. "Wounded" is the name of the series. Her purpose is to start the hea

Words Need Context In Relationships
February 21, 2022

Why Words Need Context In Relationships? We use words like Change, Judgment, Cheater, Joy, Partner, and Friend without giving direction to form a genuine connection. All these words have definitions,

From Romantic Partners To Friends and Co-Parents
February 14, 2022

From Romantic Partners to friends and co-parents - We tend to look at our relationships in a neat, orderly fashion. Our spouses aren't our friends, our friends could never be our spouses, and co-paren

Maintaining Accountable Relationships
February 07, 2022

When "Maintaining Accountable Relationships," multiple variables come into play. In this podcast, Aziz highlights four important ways to identify accountable relationships. The four-component Mr. Love

Lean Into Our Relationships For AccountableLove
June 03, 2021

Lean into our relationships for AccountableLove is a podcast all about leaning in when you're afraid. The LoveSnobs examine five reasons people tend to fear leaning into their relationships. The five

Are You An Accountable Parent?
May 06, 2021

Are You An Accountable Parent? As parents, we decided to have children without their vote. They don't choose to have life, but we expect them to be grateful we gave them life. As parents, we believe o

Let’s Be Clear Here With Mahagony B
April 15, 2021

Let's be clear here with Mahagony B. The LoveSnobs are joined again by Mahagony B. of Mo' Art Entertainment. If you watched all four seasons of The AccountableLove Podcast, you know Mahagony because s

We Expect People To Lie In Our Relationships
April 08, 2021

"We Expect People To Lie In Our Relationships!" The Lovesnobs (Aziz & Jerri) never make any statements without explaining. This Podcast will provide that explanation. Take a step back. How many people

What Are Accountable Relationships?
April 01, 2021

What are Accountable Relationships? The LoveSnobs dedicated an entire podcast to explain what it means to be in accountable relationships. We enter relationships for stability. The change we want in o

Identifying Who Has A Superiority Complex In Our Relationships
March 25, 2021

" Identifying who has a superiority complex in our relationships."  In this podcast, The LoveSnobs explains, "What it means to have a Superiority Complex in our relationships?" We illustrate why it is