The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

Pain Isn’t The Only Reality

June 06, 2022

Pain Isn’t The Only Reality.

Have you ever had a discussion with someone who thought “pain” was life? Meaning they believe if you are happy with life, misery will ultimately be your outcome. I have! Too many people have this mentality about relationships. They are consistently waiting to be disappointed. This podcast stemmed from my discussion with a woman who felt “pain” was the only reality. She believed that trusting others with your joy is unhealthy. I explained that no one could go through life without disappointments. Yet, when you find people who bring joy to your life, acknowledge that as a reality. I go into it further throughout the podcast and explain how our mentality will shape our lives.

If you live with a defeatist mentality, I hope you can get something out of this podcast. Listen, Learn, and Apply!

The LoveSnobs

Pain Isn't The Only Reality