The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

Four Ways To Remain Friends With Your Ex

May 23, 2022

Four Ways To Remain Friends with Your Ex is a podcast about transitioning from romantic partners to friends. Breaking up is a part of searching for a lifetime partner. Yet, breaking up doesn’t have to be the end of the relationship. Two people may not work in a romantic partnership but can be great friends. Aziz explains Four Ways To Remain Friends With Your Ex. If you still see the value of having a connection with your ex-partner, this podcast is for you.

What are the four ways? They are actually questions that need to be answered first.

  1. Why did you break up?
  2. Do you still have respect for one another?
  3. Are you mature enough to watch them date and possibly marry someone else?
  4. Do You Have A Vested Interest In Their Quality of Life?


Before two exes can transition to friends, they must clarify the relationship. They should refer to the four ways to remain friends with your ex.

Enjoy the latest AccountableLove Podcast and Listen, Learn, and Apply.

The LoveSnobs

Four Ways To Remain Friends with Your Ex