The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

Don’t Be A Victim In Your Relationships

March 21, 2022

“Don’t Be A Victim In Your Relationships.” It is a podcast addressing the mentality of playing the victim in our relationships. I explain how being victimized doesn’t mean we have to become a victim. Don’t become a victim. The mentality we connect to the trauma or experience is within our control. What we can’t control is the fact that it happened. Don’t waste time trying to manage what was and focus all your energy on what can be. Understand the role you played (if any), reach out and get the other side of the story, get closure if you are moving on, or reconcile if you want to repair what’s broken. Whatever you do, never make a victim of yourself.

Listen, Learn, and Apply.


By The LoveSnobs

Victim In Relationships