The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

Why Do We Cater In Our Relationships?

March 07, 2022
Why Do We Cater In Our Relationships?

In this week’s AccountableLove podcast, Aziz examines healthy and unhealthy ways to cater. He urges the listeners to ask themselves why they cater to their relationships. Is it for self-promotion or relationship stability? The answer will determine whether you are in an Accountable, Healthy, Support relationship or not.

Why do we cater in our relationships? If you are asking yourself, what does it mean to cater? It’s defined to serve, service, or provide what is required or desired. We cater in our relationships for various reasons: To strengthen our connections, to resolve conflict, we feel obligated, or we pitied them. Either way, we want to meet their desires because we see a purpose for them being in our lives. 

Here are the four reasons Aziz will discuss: 

Pity: We sometimes cater because we feel sorry for the person in our lives. We should never cater out of pity, and Aziz will explain why. 

Obligation: We cater out of Obligation. We should never feel like we have to. Catering should be a want. 

Conflict: We cater based on conflict. Conflicts are good if the purpose is to resolve. If you are willing to resolve disputes, you cater to your relationships. 

Love: We cater in our relationships because of Love. We promised to give our Loved ones the best of us. We are catering when we are honoring that promise daily. 

Aziz chose these four reasons because they are either known or unknown, but they need to be identified to have an accountable and healthy relationship. The goal is Accountablelove. 

We hope you enjoy this podcast and, as always, Listen, Learn, and Apply. Build Accountable Relationships through AccountableLove. 

By The LoveSnobs


Why Do We Cater In Our Relationships