The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

Words Need Context In Relationships

February 21, 2022

Why Words Need Context In Relationships? We use words like Change, Judgment, Cheater, Joy, Partner, and Friend without giving direction to form a genuine connection. All these words have definitions, but they are vague without contexts. Believing our general statements have clarity without context is like moving our mouths without words. We are not communicating effectively. In this week’s discussion on “The AccountableLove Podcast,” Aziz will further discuss the importance of taking the time to forge a connection to the words we use. 

Some Of The Words Defined In The Podcast

Change: There is a variety of ways we can change. We can change to improve our standing or change to worsen our livelihood. Change is happening all around us. So, when we use “change,” we should provide context.  

Judgment: Judgment is required to make good or bad choices. People typically use “judgment” to say someone is being overly critical. Yet, we are constantly judging; who, what, where, when! We are “judging,” deciding who is being judgmental. Words Need Context!

Cheater: We cheat physically, emotionally, and psychologically. How do we deem who is a cheater and who is not? we need context to explain we can call someone a “cheater.” 

Joy: Joy has a definition, but sometimes we use it to express feelings of revenge, hurting someone, and hiding pain from a breakup. Joy as a stand-alone means to bring relief or pleasure. Without context, how do we know when we are misusing a word.

Partner: Partner can be romantic, business, workout, etc. When we use the word independently, the receiving parties are left to discern the relationship and can cause complications. We need the identifying ord to give it context and show a connection.

Friend: Like the word partner, friendship has degrees. Everyone is not our friend, nor can they be, which further supports we all must “judge.” Because of that “friend” standard, we must give it context. The context allows us to identify the traits that separate friend from foe from a stranger. 

Listen to The AccountableLove Podcast, Learn, and Apply. 


By The LoveSnobs 

Words Need Context In Relationships