The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

From Romantic Partners To Friends and Co-Parents

February 14, 2022

From Romantic Partners to friends and co-parents

We tend to look at our relationships in a neat, orderly fashion. Our spouses aren’t our friends, our friends could never be our spouses, and co-parents can’t be friends. We disagree. We believe it is healthier to see our spouse as a friend before romantic partners if we single our friends as possible spouses. Co-parents can continue to be friends after a disconnect romantically. Aziz & Jasmine are proof. This week’s podcast discusses how we went from romantic partners to friends and co-parents.

AccountableLove is looking at why someone is in your life and if they continue to have value in your life. We encourage our listeners to listen closely to why the choices were made and reexamine their choices. You don’t have to be enemies with someone you Love because the tended relationship didn’t work out.

So, listen, learn, and apply. Enjoy this week’s Podcast From Romantic Partners to friends and co-parents.

The LoveSnobs

From Romantic Parents to Friends and Co-Parents