The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

Maintaining Accountable Relationships

February 07, 2022

When “Maintaining Accountable Relationships,” multiple variables come into play. In this podcast, Aziz highlights four important ways to identify accountable relationships. The four-component Mr. LoveSnob will address “Knowing Who You Are,” “Knowing Who They Are,” ” Forming and Honoring Agreements,” and ” Understanding Where You Disagree.” All four of these indicators will assure your relationships remain healthy and Accountable.

Knowing Who You Are:

Understand your likes and dislikes, dos and don’ts, Your hows, whys, whats. Being self-aware is an essential component in joining and maintaining accountable relationships.

Know Who They Are: 

First encounters are a great tone starter. Ask questions that allow you to understand their core values. What people believe will ultimately make their decisions. Also, discuss preference, hobbies, future goals, how much the past affects them, etc. Understanding what makes them tick is vital. 

Forming and Honoring Agreements: 

Once each person can identify each other identities, it is time to build the agreements. When discussing arrangements, both people must start with their convictions. All the attributes that make them who they are. What they will not change or adjust. After all, beliefs are understood, start planning a life together—for example: what they can enjoy together and what is cool to do apart.

Understand Where You Disagree: 

If you avoid conflict, it will create unhealthy relationships. When you disagree, discuss those disagreements as soon as possible. Everyone must be on the same page when talking about faith, future settlement plans, children, and purpose. Tv shows, books, vacations, and some topic discussions can remain parallel. Yet, the ultimate goal is to come to agreements.


If you are on social media, you already know that Jerri will not be joining me this season. Jerri will work more behind the scene than in front of the camera. She juggled podcasting, a 9 to 5, accountable relationship-building sessions, and daily messages. We thought it would benefit the company if she weren’t spread thin. How can our message be Love Is A Group Journey if we do not care about one of our own?

So listen, learn, and apply.

Enjoy The AccountableLove Podcast.