The AccountableLove Podcast

The AccountableLove Podcast

Let’s Be Clear Here With Mahagony B

April 15, 2021

Let’s be clear here with Mahagony B. The LoveSnobs are joined again by Mahagony B. of Mo’ Art Entertainment. If you watched all four seasons of The AccountableLove Podcast, you know Mahagony because she appeared every season. So, it only fits she be the first guest on season four, “Let’s Be Clear Here!”

The LoveSnobs ask Mahagony on the podcast to discuss the importance of “being clear” in our relationships. They also discuss how that clarity starts with matching Core Values. They discuss parenting, friendships, and partnerships. Mahagony expresses the joys and disappointments in building these relationships.

Mahagony’s Relationships

First, Mahagony shares her connection with her two adult daughters and how both daughters take different paths to build their core values. She was a young parent and wanted her children to have a strong foundation. While creating that foundation, she played the bad guy. She endured her children, calling her closed-minded, rigid, and unfair. As Adults, they now see the method to her madness.

Next, The LoveSnobs and Mahagony discuss building friendships. She recently challenged herself to complete a week of silence. During her silence, she realized how much her friend depended on her voice. She also noticed how angry they got when she was at their beck and called, causing her to rethink her approach to picking friends.

Last, They broached the topic of romantic partnerships. Mahagony stated she was stuck between meeting women who share her sense of humor or her core values. They never had both. She also discusses today’s dating scene, being a hopeful romantic, and never losing hope in finding a romantic partner.

Lets be clear here with Mahagony B isn’t just one woman’s relationship journey. It is one woman using her journey to encourage more people to build Accountable Relationships, hopefully.

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By The LoveSnobs